Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nomen testis

Official Latin term nomen testis
Official subsidiary term testis word
Unit identifier TAH:U12789
Unit type vocabulary
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit nomen testis
Links of entity generic: nomen testis
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links TA98 PubMed
Taxonomic links Level 2: nomen rei anatomicae Short Extended
Level 3: nomen systematis genitalis masculini
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The testis word is a word of male genital system [nomen systematis genitalis masculini ] which denotes the testicle [testis ♂ ].
Vocabulary for 12789
nomen testis
Reference 3273
testis ♂
By noun
3273/NFMB pair
testis ♂
3274/NF1B pair
polus superior testis ♂ (extremitas superior testis ♂ )
3274/NFMB pair
extremitas superior testis ♂
3275/NF1B pair
polus inferior testis ♂ (extremitas inferior testis ♂ )
3275/NFMB pair
extremitas inferior testis ♂
3276/NFMB pair
facies lateralis testis ♂
3277/NFMB pair
facies medialis testis ♂
3278/NFMB pair
margo anterior testis ♂
3279/NFMB pair
margo posterior testis ♂
3280/NFMB pair
tunica vaginalis testis ♂
3286/NFMB pair
tunica serosa testis ♂
3287/NFMB pair
tela subserosa testis ♂
3288/NFMB pair
tunica albuginea testis ♂
3289/NFMB pair
tunica vasculosa testis ♂
3290/NFMB pair
mediastinum testis ♂
3291/NFMB pset
septulum testis ♂ (septum testiculare ♂ )
3292/NFMB pset
lobulus testis ♂
3293/NFMB pair
parenchyma testis ♂
3296/NFMB pair
rete testis ♂
3297/NFMB pset
ductulus efferens testis ♂
3307/NFMB pair
appendix testis ♂
16412/NFMB pset
lamina testis ♂
16413/NFMB tax
regio superficialis testis ♂
16419/NFMB tax
tubulus testis ♂
16420/NFMB tax
tunica testis ♂
by apposition
12789/MFMB voc
nomen testis
By adjective
4739/AFMB single
vena testicularis sinistra ♂
4742/AFMB single
vena testicularis dextra ♂
6852/AFMB pair
plexus testicularis ♂
11348/AFMB pair
arteria testicularis ♂
14697/AFMB tax
vena testicularis ♂
Number of occurrences
31 items
Date: 01.12.2023